In 2018, the Back to School project was launched, aiming to reintegrate into the public school circuit 50 girls and boys who had left school early. The association, in addition to supporting the individual costs of registration, purchase of teaching materials and uniforms, has hired two operators from the territory with the task of initially identifying the families to help and then supporting them and supervising their remaining in the project.
The youngsters who had dropped out of school are predominantly female, belonging to large, single-parent families (widowed women) and with severe financial difficulties. Priority is given to those who, before leaving school for economic reasons, had achieved good school results. The work of the operators is also to convince the parent of the opportunity of reintegration in school; often the youngster withdrawn from school are employed in agricultural work or in the care of children.
The project is carried out in agreement and collaboration with the managers of two primary schools in the area.
The results of the first year were very encouraging: of the 50 pupils reintegrated, 48 pupils passed the examinations taken at the end of the school year.
Organizzazione di volontariato I GERMOGLI - Contrada Paranzello 1, 92031 Isola di Linosa AG
C.F. 93064280840
tel. 0922.972506 - mail