This was our first activity in Uganda. We started in 2000 with a hut where we could vaccinate children. Since then, year after year, that hut has turned into a small health centre, at first with four small rooms, now with medical rooms, a delivery room and four hospital rooms for a total of 12 beds. There is also a van equipped for the transfer of emergencies to the Soroti hospital and for the provision of preventive maternal-infant services on the territory in favour of the most remote communities.
The Centre serves a population of about 9,000 people scattered in villages for a radius of 8/10 km.
Services offered:
- Medical rooms with attached pharmacy
- Laboratory for clinical analysis
- Vaccination
- Health education
- Care for HIV/AIDS patients
- Family planning
- Pre- and post-natal counselling
- Delivery room
- Four hospital rooms with a total of 12 beds
- a mobile clinic
The Centre has a clinical officer (medical assistant), a laboratory, two midwives, an administrative staff member, with periodic supervision by a doctor.
The Centre has a clinical officer (medical assistant), a laboratory, two midwives, an administrative staff member, with periodic supervision by a doctor.
Since 2013, “I Germogli” has supported the Centre by covering the capital costs, drugs and those of unforeseeable needs. The recurring costs are, instead, covered by the revenue from the payment of the services offered and by an annual contribution of about 500 euros by the local Ministry of Health that also contributes with the supply of vaccines, equipment such as the photovoltaic system, and frequent refresher courses for the staff. In addition, the Ministry provides constant supervision of the activities together with the Management Committee of the Centre, whose President has been our local contact since 2000.
It all began with the initiative of Margaret Aguti and Cesare Forni, assisted by Richard, a teacher at the local school, with the construction of a hut where they could offer basic medical services. Two young people from the community, who would become the first operators of the Centre, were accompanied in their basic training at the hospital of nearby Soroti.
The Ugandan Ministry of Health officially recognized our Centre as a Health Centre - Community Based Organisation (Local Health Community Centre).
The first two permanent facilities for medical rooms, pharmacy and preventive medicine were built.
The management of the Centre was entrusted to a Management Committee elected by the local communities, whose members with our support participate in specific training programmes at government structures.
Installation of the first photovoltaic system, purchase of a refrigerator for the storage of vaccines and a microscope for the laboratory
Construction of three homes for staff on the centre premises
At the request of the community, a specific activity in the childcare sector began, with the use of a midwife for prenatal consultations and childbirth assistance, and with a presence on the territory of two women trained locally for the detection of cases of child malnutrition and health and nutritional education of mothers.
With the birth of the “I Germogli” association the activities of the Centre were given a new impetus.
Purchase of a motorcycle for mobile preventive medicine services. It allowed us to reach an increasing number of people in need of vaccinations and medical care.
Construction of a vaccination room. The Centre participated in the national campaign for the prevention of hepatitis B by offering laboratory tests and vaccination every week: during 2016, about 5,500 vaccinations were administered
Purchase of furniture and sanitary equipment.
The association supported the training as a clinical officer (medical assistant) of an employee of the Centre.An annual, five-year renewable contract was signed between our health centre and a consortium of North American NGOs stating that the centre offers free care to pregnant women, during childbirth and for transfer to hospital in case of obstetric complications. The cost of the services rendered was to be reimbursed monthly by the Consortium. The result was a sharp increase in the number of women who attended prenatal consultation sessions and then gave birth at the Centre.
During the 2018 mission ordinary and extraordinary maintenance and construction works of new buildings were carried out, in particular the renovation of existing buildings (medical rooms, delivery room, hospital rooms, laboratory, offices and warehouse) and the construction of 4 apartments for staff. The necessary furnishings were also purchased. All the works were carried out by local workers without the availability of electricity and running water.
With the purchase of the Toyota Noah 4x4 multi-use car 8 services were started for preventive medicine in the territory of the catchment area of the Centre, reaching even the most remote villages.
In addition, the medical team were able to carry out the transport of emergency cases to the regional hospital.
Thanks to a targeted donation, a screening of the population for HIV risk (about 5,000 tests in villages and schools) was carried out, accompanying the positive
people to treatment.
The updates of the activities in the years to follow are reported in the NEWS section
Organizzazione di volontariato I GERMOGLI - Contrada Paranzello 1, 92031 Isola di Linosa AG
C.F. 93064280840
tel. 0922.972506 - mail